Free tool Linkedin Post Character Limit
See More Preview Tool
Preview your LinkedIn post and stay within character limits
to optimize your hooks above the see more button.

Enter your LinkedIn post below to see a preview

Check if the length of your LinkedIn post is sufficient and where the see more button will appear.

Contains images or links?
Rich media posts have a shorter preview.
Laptop or Smartphone?
Smartphone post previews are shorter.

Character counter

Use the character counter to make sure your post is of the right length.

Total length 0
Word count 0
Line breaks 0
Links 0
Emojis 0

John Doherty


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Linkedin Post Character Limit Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the character limit for a LinkedIn post?
Since 2022, LinkedIn posts have a character limit of 3000, which includes line breaks, spaces, and emojis. If a post exceeds this limit, it's advisable to make it shorter or consider writing a LinkedIn article instead.
When does the 'See More' link appear in a LinkedIn post?
The appearance of the 'see more' link in a LinkedIn post depends on the post length and the type of content. For text-only posts, the link appears after 400 characters or 5 line breaks. For media posts, it appears after 250 characters or 3 line breaks.
Why is the LinkedIn post 'See More' limit important?
Due to the amount of content on LinkedIn, it's crucial to capture interest quickly. By making the visible section of your post engaging, you increase the chances of users clicking 'see more'. This action is a strong signal of interest for LinkedIn's algorithm, which may boost your post's visibility.
How do I use the LinkedIn Post 'See More' Character Limit Preview Tool?
Simply enter your post in the designated text box and click 'Preview'. The tool will display your post, highlighting where the text will be visible and where the 'see more' link will appear.
How many words are approximately 3,000 characters?
Given the average English word length of 4.7 characters, 3,000 characters equate to about 630 words. To give you a perspective, this is roughly the size of a 6-page Word document, given that the average Word document is around 400-500 words.
What is the perfect length for a LinkedIn post?
There's no 'perfect' length for a LinkedIn post, as it varies depending on your personal brand, audience, and intent. It's more important to provide value to your audience within the character limit, ensuring that the visible section is engaging enough to prompt them to click 'see more'.
How does the 'See More' link appear on desktop and mobile?
The LinkedIn character limits are consistent across desktop and mobile. However, due to the difference in horizontal space, the number of characters displayed may vary. On desktop, a post can fit around 250 characters in 3 lines and 400 characters in 5 lines. On mobile, these limits change to 135 characters for 3 lines and 225 characters for 5 lines.
What is the role of the 'See More' link in enhancing viewer engagement?
Crafting your post and profile About statement in a way that includes interesting content just before the 'see more' link can encourage viewers to click the link and read the entire post. This strategy may increase viewer engagement and possibly prompt LinkedIn's algorithm to promote your post.
What happens if a post is shorter than the LinkedIn character limit for 'see more'?
If a post is shorter than 3 lines for media posts or 5 lines for text posts, it will be shown in full without a 'see more' link. Making a post interesting and concise can be just as effective in capturing viewer attention.
Does clickbait content work for LinkedIn posts?
While it may be tempting to use clickbait content to draw viewers in, it's crucial to remember that your goal is to engage and provide value to your audience. Misleading content can disappoint readers and may not yield long-term engagement. Knowing where the 'see more' link appears helps you strategically place important information to keep your audience engaged.

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