Having a LinkedIn Company Page has become the norm. But too often, business’ pages suffer from low engagement, little following, and overall blandness.
How do we turn a boring company page into an asset? One that’s followed by your target audience. Even better, one they engage with on a regular basis?
Spoiler alert: You don’t need to be Google or Facebook to have it deliver results. In this article, we have curated a list of actionable tips to grow your business’ page with high-quality followers that care about your company:
- The Hashtag Ladder
- The So What? Test
- The Team Invite Relay Race
- And many more
Whether you just created your LinkedIn Company Page or are seasonned marketer, this is not your average boring list. Let’s dive in!
Clarify your LinkedIn company page’s audience and goals
Before sharpening a blade, it’s recommended knowing what we’re hunting. Can you, your team, and your managers are all clear on these?
About your goals
- Purpose. What will be the direct consequences of a proper LinkedIn company page? Sales? Recruiting? Brand awareness (and from whom)?
- Indicators. What indicator are you following to measure progress and success? For sales, new leads coming from the page? For recrutiing, job applications from the page? For brand awereness traffic from the page?
- Budget. How much time and resources are you willing to allocate to those goals?
It is crucial to have a clear strategy in mind, and measurable goals.
And about you audience
- Demographics. What’s your typical LinkedIn company page readers’ job title? How old are them? What gender?
- Behaviour. What are they doing on LinkedIn? How much time do they spend on LinkedIn? Do they like? Comment? Post? If so, what about?
- Psychographics. What other company pages are they following? What other influencers are they reading? What are their hobbies?
If your audience portrait is a little blurry today, it’s OK. As long as you keep gathering infos and clarify that portrait with time.
Complete LinkedIn Company Pages immediately get +30% visibility
LinkedIn instantly grants +30% visibility to company pages fully completed. To complete your LinkedIn Company Page, you simply have to follow the onboarding steps.
On top of that, pages that reach 150 followers tend to be given more visibility. Get yourself out of the slow zone by getting these first 150 followers asap.

Is LinkedIn Algorithm rewarding quantity over quality? No, but…
In the business world, regularity and long-term relationships are often prefered to one-time hits. And LinkedIn algorithm too tends to work like that.
But rather than quantity, it’s regularity that’s rewarded. As evidence, this very interesting post from Jordan Jenevrier Truchart:
It compare he’s LinkedIn analytics from the 2022 year (dark blue) to his 2021 results (light blue).

At first glance, it seems like post views increased by +217% between 2021 and 2022. An an very good result, but… there is a but:
In the bottom left-hand corner, we notice he posted +211% more in 2022 than in 2021.
In other words, his total number of views is completely correlated: The more you post, the more views you get.
From their own words, LinkedIn gives optimal visibility to company pages and people pages that publish on a weekly basis. Which means that:
- Posting less than once a week will cost you some of that momentum, that “regularity score”.
- Posting more than once a week won’t give you extra points.
And that’s good news for company that don’t have the resources to do so.
Place your links in the comments section
LinkedIn Posts containing links are 2 to 4 times less visibile than linkless posts.
Links are like emergency exit doors from a website, and social medias who make money from ads want to keep those sweet eyeballs for themselves.
For that reason, they’ll do anything to add friction between user, and links:
- Add confirmation pages before people leave LinkedIn.
- Lower posts with link’s visibility, to have them reach less people.
- And reward original content written on their platform, aka LinkedIn articles.
That being said, there’s a work-around
If you must have a link in your LinkedIn post, add it as a comment under your own article.
It’s not as visible, but it won’t hurt your reach. And getting more people to load the comments will increase engagement.

Team Invite Relay: Take full advantage of LinkedIn page invitations
LinkedIn Company Pages’ let admins invite their 1st-degree connections to their company page.
Company pages can send up to 250 invitations per week. Only super admins, and content admins, are given access to these invitation.
This credit is shared between all the members of your team. And it does not compound. So make sure to use it as much as possible.

Team Invite Relay: The optimal way to use LinkedIn Company page invitations
The team invitations are an underrated tool. Here is how you can use it to grow your company page’s follower count with high-quality followers:
- First, ask to all your teammates to participate. (Temporarily) grant admin privileges to each one of them, so that they too can use the invitations.
- Only invite relevant people. Ask each one to make a list of people in your industry who would genuinely be interested in your content. We’re in the business of engaging with potential customers, not spamming old schoolmates. (And by the way, SuperLink is great at making lists of LinkedIn contacts)
- Every week, max out your 250 invites.
- Multiple times a year. People join, networks grow. Get your team to invite new relevant people once or twice a year!

Everyone loves giveaways!
Whether you like it or not, giveaways are dead simple and simply work. And LinkedIn company pages are perfect to organize one. But first, let’s clear up a few things:
You don’t need to give away a car to make it a win-win.
And companies big and small can organize them.
Some keys of success to a successful giveaway are:
- Annoucement. Make an annoucement post, get your team or friends to repost it for maximum visibility. Promote it across multiple social media.
- Clear rules. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel: Ask people to follow your page, comment something (ideally a friend), and of course to follow your page.
- Public winner announcement. It’s an extra chance to get your brand seen, and @mention the winner’s name.

Hide to be Seen: Segment Your Company Posts’ Audiences
This is perhaps the most under-rated LinkedIn tool: Post segmentation.
It lets you restrict a post visibility to only people matching key criteria:
- Location
- Company
- Language
- Seniority
- Function
The purpose here is not to hide anything; Quite the contrary, actually:
By segmenting your audience, you make your post more relevant, thus increase chances of engagement. The higher the engagement, the more LinkedIn promotes it to people that might have deemed it uninteresting in the past.

Reach new audiences by boosting your content
Boosting content on LinkedIn consists in paying some money to get your posts shown to more people.
The advantage of boosting a post vs posting an ad is that you can focus your budget on posts that are successful already.
Like ads, you can specify to LinkedIn which audience you want to reach out to:
If content creation is something you invest time on, consider setting a budget asside to boost your LinkedIn company page content.
Boosting Content on LinkedIn deserves its full article. Until we write ours, we recommend you check this one if that’s something you’re interested in.
Promote your LinkedIn page outside LinkedIn
If LinkedIn is a channel that works for you, ask other more people to join you there:
LinkedIn too has a “Follow on LinkedIn” button.
It can be implemented pretty much anywhere on your site.
You can also share it in email signatures, in your newsletter, on other social media posts, too.
Here is an old-school “Follow on LinkedIn” button:

The “And, so what?” Test
Most people’s content is boring.
And, when it comes to corporate content, it’s even worst.
We’ve all seen it: ACME Company post say “We’re at Big Event 2022!”, featuring a couple of Michael Scotts, smiling awkwardly.
This type of content does not pass the “And, so what?” test.
But, what is the “And, so what?”:
You: Today, we are at Big Event 2022! Audience: Oh.. And so what? You: We’ll be there for 2 days to present our new product! Audience: And.. so what? You: It took us over 6 month of hard work to develop. Audience: Sure… (Exasperated tone) And so what? You: We’re the first one to do it that way!
Crickets noise. Reader scrolls and forgets you. But the algorithm remembers you’re boring.
Let’s see another one:
You: Hey, as a recruiter, do you use the LinkedIn inbox much? Audience: Sure, hours a week…(sighs) You: Wow, hours? Why? Audience: I have to: We reach out to candidates there. But it’s a mess. Super disorganized, impossible to know who’s who, super hard to follow-up, I hate it. You: That much, huh? What if you had a way to do it 10x faster? Audience: What do you mean? You: What if all the candidates where neatly organized, tracked, and up-to-date in the ATS? Audience: That’d be awesome. You: What would you do with that extra time? Audience: I could do that project we’ve been postponing for months… You: I might have something you for, but It just will save you 5x time in this early version… Audience: Tell me more.
Here, the content is audience-centric, not company-centric.
Listening, asking questions, and genuinely putting oneself in the audience shoe is the biggest engagement “hack” there’ll ever be.
Your LinkedIn Company Page’s location matters
This tip is not relevant to every one, but if you have at least 2 locations, it is for you:
Every piece of information given to LinkedIn influences content visibility. And location of your company in particular is very important.
So make sure to list as your first address the one that’s closest to your best clients.
Because your content will be more visible in that specific area.
Control content growth with a Hashtag ladder
LInkedIn Company Pages can be associated to 3 hashtags.
Picking them carefully can give your company posts’ a significant edge.
Hashtags are useful to be appear in hashtags feeds. But if you’re a small LinkedIn Sales software and try to compete on #sales, you’re up against Salesforce, Hubspot, and Microsoft.
Instead, you want to build a hashtag ladder:
Your content gets shown to a niche audience, and when it gets some visibility there (because it’s relevant to that audience), only then it’s shown to the next, bigger hashtag.
We recommend picking 3 hashtags as a ladder for your content:
- First hashtag should be niche. In our case #linkedinmarketing (8700 followers). It’ll be shown to a small audience of fans of that topic, and gain momentum there.
- Then something a bit bigger. Let’s say #linkedintips (22,314 followers). It’ll be a good second step, and has potential to saturate that audience too.
- Finally, something larger. Like #linkedin (1,427,805 followers). It’s a bigger audience, more competitive, but since our content comes in hot from a bunch of likes and comments of previous #hashtags, it’s likely to gain some visibility there.
This article is not the place to do philosphy, but in LinkedIn company page content, like in other fields in life, it’s often more rewarding to be a big fish in a small pond, than the opposite.
Engage with your audience
People commenting on company posts ought to be cherished.
And it’s the thing that don’t scale that help make a difference and turn readers into fans.
Here are a tips to engage with your audience:
- In your post, ask a questions. That’s why polls are a great type of content to post.
- In the comments, rather than thanking people, try asking a question: Details, sources, experiences. Thanks are closing a discussion, not opening it.
- It’s OK to debate. We just want to keep it civil.
- Take the talk to a more private location. Ask then to connect with you, or send you an email to discuss their case.
If you’re afraid to be too informal, check out how far these brands went…
Harness your employee’s audience with company notifications
Did you know that the total audience of all the employees of a company on LinkedIn is 10x larger than the follower count of the company? That’s one of most interesting LinkedIn article of 2022.
You can harness the network of your employee by notifying them of when you post something.
Simply check the “Employee notifications”: This feature allows you to send a (push) notification to every past and present employees of your company.
Don’t use it necessarily for all type of contents. Employees could can get notiifcation fatigue and deactive them.
But for big launches, it’s another powerful way to get those first engagements that boost your company page’s content to the top of LinkedIn algorithm.
Co-create content and mention people
You’re not the only one looking to create dope content: Your customer’s, supplier’s, and partner’s marketing teams do too.
Can you turn your company’s day-to-day into a juicy story for someone else?
Co-creating content allows you to access someone else’s audience. It gives you access to their marketing machine, strenghten your ties with their team, and might be good way to learn (or teach) something.
So, very pragmatically, how can we find other creators to team up with?
- Customer profiles. Offer your best customers to write a few paragraphs about them. Get them to share or repost that post to their company page’s audience.
- Interviews. Get experts in your field to talk about their expertise. Tons of formats are possible, from 5 min videos to 2h podcasts. The beauty is that you can then repurpose this content to do shorts, quotes, written posts, and more.
- Mentions. Use the
tool to notify and link other LinkedIn users in your posts. Ask for other people’s expertise by mentionning them in the comments. - Send more DMs. Reach out to other marketers and see how you can make yourself useful.

It’s showtime!
Congratulations, you successfully repressed the impulse to go and apply these great ideas! You self-control is impressive. But don’t wait anymore, it’s time to act!
By implementing these tactics, you'll be able to increase visibility, attract more followers, and build a loyal community of supporters who are interested in your brand and products or services.
Remember, engaging content is just one part of the equation - you also need to be consistent in your posting schedule, respond to comments and messages in a timely manner, and continually analyze your metrics to see what's working and what needs improvement.